Interesting ( but nothing to do with Epicurus!)

Ancestral Eve “Because only mitochondria from eggs are passed on to children – mitochondria from sperm are lost at fertilisation – we can trace people’s maternal ancestors using mitochondrial DNA. This has allowed us to work out that everyone alive had a common female ancestor living at some point between 100,000 and 200,000 years ago. …

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Maybe an historical event that had escaped your notice ?

In 1839 a Cyclone slammed south eastern India with high winds and a 40 foot storm surge, destroying city of Coringa. Storm waves swept inland, destroying 20,000 ships and killing an estimated 300,000 people. My comment: Was that a freak, one-off event? I don’t know. Maybe no one knows. But it is the sort of …

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Is this a non-sequitur?

Speculation has emerged that penguins may be aliens after scientists found traces of a chemical from Venus in their droppings. Experts are struggling to explain how phosphine exists on Earth – 38 million miles away from Venus. Scientists in the UK who believe alien life forms may have already been detected say studying penguins could …

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