In tiny Italian town 10 residents are 100

Vittorio Lai, nicknamed Pistol, still drives and hunts wild boar, and tecently became the latest person in Perdasdefogu, (pop.1,765) a remote mountain town on the Italian island of Sardinia that set a world record for longevity, to celebrate his 100th birthday. He will be joined this week by another sprightly centenarian, Piuccia Lai (no relation), …

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Psychedelic researcher had ‘relationship with pigeon’

A psychedelic researcher spent 15 years in a relationship with a pigeon who she believed judged her for not being able to fly. “I know telepathy exists because I had this passionate relationship with a pigeon who I brought up from a baby and he fixated and fell madly in love with me and I …

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I had to read this twice. Where do these people come from?

The mayor of Hudson, Ohio, has resigned after warning that allowing ice fishing on a local lake could lead to prostitution. Mayor Craig Schubert, 65, told the City Council that authorizing “ice shanties” could lead to an “unintended consequence”—shacks built for sex work. In resigning, Schubert said his concern was “based on my prior television …

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I am starting to think that common sense really is not that common after all – we live in exceedingly stupid times. Exhibit 874: US anti-vaxxers are now urging people to drink their own urine to fight coronavirus. Recently, Christopher Key, the leader of an anti-Covid-19 vaccine group called the “Vaccine Police”, posted videos online …

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Vaccine uptakes in Europe

Back last September France suspended 3,000 health workers without pay for refusing the Covid vaccine. Some staff at hospitals, retirement and care homes had refused Covid jabs despite warning by Macron. The health minister said “several dozen” had resigned rather than have the vaccine. The French health authority, Santé Publique, estimated that fewer than 12% …

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Abortion: a matter solely for the mother (long but worth it!)

A note to all the participants of last Friday’s antiabortion March for Life rally, in Washington DC: I hope you’re preparing to make condoms rain from the sky. Buckets of them. Craploads, hurled from the cargo holds of the biggest planes you can find. Also, birth control pills. I hope every time a teenager opens …

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No measuring the depth of his stupidity….

US anti-vaxxers are now urging people to drink their own urine to fight coronavirus! Over the weekend, Christopher Key, the leader of an anti-Covid-19 vaccine group called the “Vaccine Police”, posted videos online extolling the health benefits of what he described as “urine therapy”. According to the wizard of wee, there is “tons and tons …

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Fear of the future

More than half (57%) of child psychiatrists in England are seeing children and young people distressed by the climate emergency, as experts warn that eco-anxiety is growing among under-25s. Although not yet considered a diagnosable condition, levels of “chronic fear of environmental doom” are likely to be underestimated, while international research has found anxiety is …

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Interesting ( but nothing to do with Epicurus!)

Ancestral Eve “Because only mitochondria from eggs are passed on to children – mitochondria from sperm are lost at fertilisation – we can trace people’s maternal ancestors using mitochondrial DNA. This has allowed us to work out that everyone alive had a common female ancestor living at some point between 100,000 and 200,000 years ago. …

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“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear”. George Orwell, quoted in the Washington Examiner My comment: Maybe he meant telling people to get vaccinated when a plague of some sort comes along?

Still fixated on banning abortion

In their first abortion case since Justice Amy Coney Barrett joined the Supreme Court, the justices reinstated a requirement that women seeking medication abortions pick up a pill in person.” On its way out the door, the Trump administration made its anti-abortion agenda a priority, and Trump’s loyalist 6-3 majority in the Supreme Court will …

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Vaccine refusal

“It’s an uncomfortable thing to admit, but in the countercultural movements where my sympathies lie, people are dropping like flies,” writes George Monbiot for The Guardian. Acquaintances are becoming “seriously ill with Covid, after proudly proclaiming the benefits of ‘natural immunity’, denouncing vaccines and refusing to take the precautions that apply to lesser mortals”, he …

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A surge of Ivermectin overdose calls

Health experts and medical groups are pushing to stamp out the growing use of ivermectin, an anti-parasite drug, to treat COVID-19, amid warnings that it can cause harmful side effects and that there’s little evidence it helps. Poison control centers are seeing a dramatic surge in calls from people who are self-medicating with ivermectin, an …

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