White supremacy

The distribution of white supremacist propaganda nearly doubled across the US in 2020, according to the Anti-Defamation League, which recorded 5,125 incidents of racist, antisemitic and other hateful messages, averaging around 14 cases a day. This compared with 2,724 in 2019. My reaction : Firstly, we are all human beings. Secondly, there is nothing inherently …

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If you can’t beat ‘em, cheat ‘em.

Since the 2020 election, state legislatures have introduced more than 250(!) anti-voter bills particularly targeting Black and Brown voters. Millions of dollars in political spending from big donors and wealthy special interests — often spent anonymously — are tilting (have tilted?) the balance of our democracy towards special interests. Meanwhile, partisan and racial gerrymandering is …

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Once granted a certain power, politicians seldom give it up

“Have we crossed a line in surrendering freedoms? Having locked down the country for the best part of a year and suspended basic civil liberties once, we are far more likely to do it again. We have crossed a line and it will stay crossed. “Ensuring that the powers the government has granted itself are …

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Statehood for the District of Columbia

It is unacceptable that the 712,000 people who live in DC should have no representation in Congress. In South Dakota ( population 892,000) the idea of DC being made a State of the Union was recently rejected because, I quote, it is “incredibly smaller than any other state in geography. The major economic activity is …

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