World population a threat to mankind

The UN World Population report for 2012 predicts that the world’s population, now 7.2billion will rise to 9.5 billion by 2025, and, by the end of this century, will reach 11 billion. By mid century Nigeria will have a bigger population than the United States. The biggest increases will be in Africa, India, Indonesia and Pakistan.

This report discredits those who deny that over-population is a threat to the planet, and even to mankind itself. “No problem”, we have been told for umpteen years, “the world population is levelling off and will soon start to decline”.

I have always thought that the emphasis on “life at any price” is immoral. Some God, that considers the number of souls to be more important than the quality of life! The fear is spreading that humans are heading for self-extinction. If this is so, the major religions will have had a heavy responsibility. Epicurus would have been in favour of family planning, for moderation in the growth of numbers, and for respect for our delicate and wonderful environment of which we are supposed to be the guardians. 99% of all creatures who have inhabited the Earth are now extinct. Are we next, the victims of our own stupidity?