Stay out of other people’s bedrooms and private lives, please!

Family planning clinics that provide abortions or refer patients for abortions will not be eligible for certain federal funds under a new rule finalized by the Trump administration.  Under the rule, women’s health clinics must be “physically and financially” separate from abortion providers to be eligible for Title X Family Planning grants, which fund organizations providing reproductive health services to low-income women.

Clinics will also not be allowed to refer women to other facilities for abortions, or promote or support abortion as a method of family planning. The long-awaited changes to the Title X program had been pushed by conservatives and anti-abortion groups as a way to partially defund Planned Parenthood, which serves about 40 percent of Title X patients.

While not all Planned Parenthood clinics provide abortions, some do, and those clinics would become ineligible under the rule, which takes effect 60 days after being published in the federal register. “This rule could deprive Planned Parenthood of $60 M. dollars a year.

My comment:

What a woman does with her body is not the business of political busybodies. Nobody wants to have an abortion. It is a traumatic, miserable and sometimes dangerous procedure, never to be forgotten. Women seek abortion for good reasons and, mostly, after a lot of anguished thought and discussion. Whether they are desperately poor, cannot look after the children they do have, or have been raped, they make their decision to terminate feeling helpless, scared and alone.

The other side of the coin is that there are too many children growing up as it is, feeling unwanted and a burden on their mothers. How can you, in all conscience, bring an unwanted child into this World? It is cruel, it is a sin. Period! Moreover (and I have only common sense to guide me, not statistics), I suspect that some of the disaffected young men committing mass murder by gunfire are quite probably alienated, fatherless and feel unwanted and angry with the world.  No wonder. Such cruelties, encouraged by people calling themselves “christian”,  have unpredictable effects for years.

This is, I believe, how Epicurus would have reacted, only in ancient Greek.