On hustling your life forward

“Everyone hustles his life along, and is troubled by a longing for the future and weariness of the present. But the man who … organizes every day as though it were his last, neither longs for nor fears the next day… Nothing can be taken from this life, and you can only add to it, as if giving to a man who is already full and satisfied food which he does not want but can hold.

“So you must not think a man has lived long because he has white hair and wrinkles: he has not lived long, just existed long. For suppose you should think that a man had had a long voyage who had been caught in a raging storm as he left harbor, and carried hither and thither and driven round and round in a circle by the rage of opposing winds? He did not have a long voyage, just a long tossing about”.  (Seneca).

My take: This is good…. “organizing each day as if it were your last”.  The problem comes when all that youthful energy and zest for life starts to be nibbled at by lower energy and the trickle of aches and pains that consume your precious days and force yet another visit to a doctor.  None of these visits may be life threatening, just tiring and, dare I say it, boring.   We live longer than most people in the days of Seneca, so can be better acquainted with the sentiment,  “Oh, no! Not another pill or visit to the physical therapy department.”   The thing is  never to be weary of the present, but plan exciting things for the future.  After that, be determined.