Don’t find yourself in an American emergency health facility!

Two days before his wedding this past April, a man called Cameron Fischer got very drunk at his bachelor party, felt very ill, and had to go to an emergency room. His medical bill that was initially $12,460, all told, just to be re-hydrated .That was more than twice the cost of his wedding. There …

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Good news, we hope: a new approach to cancer

From The Guardian: Scientists have opened up a new front in the war against cancer, aimed not so much at curing the disease as disarming it, so that it becomes a “manageable” condition. Just as bacteria can become resistant to antibiotics, cancers can mutate to become resistant to the drugs used to treat them, which …

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Posted by rhanrott on 18 July 2019, 1:51 am Excess weight causes about 1,900 more cases of bowel cancer than smoking in the UK each year. There are also 1,400 more cases of kidney cancer caused by excess weight than by smoking each year, 460 more ovarian cancers and 180 more cases of liver cancer. …

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