Afghanistan withdrawal not a failure?

A former U.S. official doesn’t view the Afghanistan withdrawal as an ‘intelligence failure’! Sue Gordon, who served as a top U.S. intelligence official under both the Trump and Obama administrations, said Sunday that she would not characterize the American withdrawal from Afghanistan “as an intelligence failure”, despite widespread criticism about how the Trump and Biden …

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The “good news” about gossip

Don’t feel guilty about engaging in office gossip, “As long as it’s not malicious, it can serve practical, positive purposes.” A 2019 study found that workers gossip an average of 52 minutes a day. Most of the conversations “weren’t positive or negative, but neutral.” This chatter can help people make sense of their environment, says …

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Verdict on Brexit – and the current British government

Some things are almost beyond parody. Lord Frost says the government will hire an external adviser to identify post-Brexit opportunities. We have high hopes of outside input into this process,” he says. The government of the United Kingdom, almost five years after the Brexit referendum, wants help on identifying post-Brexit opportunities!  The natural response to …

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