Three brave profs

The University of Florida is barring three professors from providing expert testimony in a lawsuit concerning a new state law that restricts voting rights, The Associated Press reports. The university said in a statement that testimony by professors Dan Smith, Michael McDonald, and Sharon Austin as paid experts for the plaintiffs would be “adverse to …

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“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear”. George Orwell, quoted in the Washington Examiner My comment: Maybe he meant telling people to get vaccinated when a plague of some sort comes along?

Still fixated on banning abortion

In their first abortion case since Justice Amy Coney Barrett joined the Supreme Court, the justices reinstated a requirement that women seeking medication abortions pick up a pill in person.” On its way out the door, the Trump administration made its anti-abortion agenda a priority, and Trump’s loyalist 6-3 majority in the Supreme Court will …

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