An Epicurean vow

I, ___ , freely and out of my own authenticity declare myself a disciple of Epicurus and I resolve to follow his teachings and to adopt his doctrine as my own, to further it, update it, and make it relevant in my context.  I take refuge in his teachings and I resolve to share them with anyone who expresses a genuine interest in them.  I resolve to treat my mind as an Epicurean Garden and to cultivate it.  I resolve to apply the four remedies, to seek the three goods and to cultivate a blissful state of ataraxia.

The above was written by someone whose pseudonym is Neophyte and who wrote a long explanation about why he seceded from the Catholic Church and became an Epicurean.  He felt the move had to have some degree of formality to it.   The vow appears in new Epicurean Garden Forum, which seems to have caught the attention of mainly young people, and is to be applauded.

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