American exceptionalism

The term American Exceptionalism – the idea that the US is an “exceptional country with a unique place in human history” –  was coined in the 1920s by American Leftists who were trying to explain why the US, in apparent contravention of Marxist theory, had not embraced communism. It was intended as a term of derision, suggesting that there was something defective about the US that prevented it from ushering in a proletariat revolution. Latterly, as we in America all know, the term has been adopted by most politicians, including Hilary Clinton (very vocal about it) and de riguer among all other politicians  Since so few people in America know any history or value its lessons, these rah! rah! nationalists have no idea of its origins. Mildly amusing.

Not so amusing is the use American Exceptionalism is put to.  It has justified everything from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to the current effort by lawmakers in Oklahoma to halt a history course that teaches children too much about the westward expansion of the settlers and the deaths of millions of American Indians, instead of the more uplifting story about the bringing of civilisation to the heathen. They are trying to expunge a sordid and disgraceful episode of American history.  Nationalism is truly a curse, and as an American citizen, I am embarrassed when I hear this stuff preached at foreigners. There is no such thing as an “exceptional” nation. All human being are capable of horrific or just plain stupid things.
(prompted by an article in the Los Angeles Times by Karl Jacobi)

One Comment

  1. Comment
    The Leaders of the Free and Civilized World did the following:

    Torture used to extract false information to justify Iraq War
    Buried in footnote 857 of the report is a remarkable account of how the CIA rendered a detainee to an unknown country, had him tortured, and then used the false information he provided about Saddam’s WMDs and “alliance” with al Qaeda to justify the U.S. attack, including information used by Colin Powell at his notorious 2003 U.N. speech.

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