“Have you noticed that all the people in favor of birth control are already born?” – Benny Hill
Very clever, but my serious point of views is as follows: we should only bring into the world human beings that are wanted, cherished, loved ….and in due course educated.
A woman should always be allowed to choose whether to have a baby or not. There is quite enough misery on this planet without forcing any mother to have a child. You only have to look around you in the United States at the hard and exhausting lives of mothers with young children – the need for an income, the struggle with money for food, the sleepless nights. You have to really want a child and be prepared for an exhausting period in your life. If you are not committed to motherhood you may not be doing a favor to yourself or the baby. We don’t know the extent to which exhaustion, impatience, resentment and mood conveys silently to a young baby.