Worshipping God

Why is it necessary to WORSHIP God? A grown-up God doesn’t need to be worshipped.  A grown-up God can see through the self-interested words used in a hundred tongues to curry favor?

Were God to exist, would not the Sunday worship of millions not be an insult to His mighty and overwhelming intelligence? Do the religious really think he is swayed by such piffling trifles?

I would hate to be worshipped.  Respected, yes.  Worshipped? How embarrassing.


  1. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a critique of this particular aspect of religion. Does anyone catually THINK about waht they are doing?

  2. The original meaning of worship is ,so I understand, Honour, Respect, and homage. So the commandment to honour and respect the Lord your God with all your heart and have no other god or gods, seems to me to be a reasonable thing to ask. (We say it in the marriage service love honour and …..!) One reason for saying this is that people seem to be inclined to worship something or other regardless of belief. Perhaps it is an ‘evolutionary stable strategy’. It contributed to our survival in some way. In UK at the moment it is celebrities – people who are famous , sometimes for nothing much at all. Otherwise it is money, or a nice car or even oneself. Better, I suggest, that if we have to worship anything – let it be a higher, bigger Power than ourselves. This is not the first time I have heard this critique – Dawkins mentions it of course, plus others. And yes, people do think about what they are doing. Intelligent people would not do it without thinking about why.

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