Words of the wise

“People think that development comes first through infrastructure and economy. They are wrong. It comes first through peace and harmony”.

Quote from a local government official of the island of Patexux, in the Ninigo Islands, 150 miles north of Papua New Guinea. Until recently there was no formal alphabet or written form of Seimat, the language of these remote islands. Despite what appears to be a lack of education and contact with the world that we take for granted, an Epicurean frame of mind seems to come naturally from people who probably have never heard of Epicurus.

One Comment

  1. We appear to have a great a great deal to learn from the people of the Ninigo Islands. They dont have police, but ‘peace’ people.. there is little or no crime. They harvest their food from the sea and grow vegetables in their gardens. They make their canoes from driftwood.. and they certainly dont cut down their trees. Their canoes in which they travel from island to island, last about 3 years and then they make another from driftwood. They live in peace and harmony, sharting with eachother what they have.

    Not only does this sound Epicurean, but also resembles early Christianity before power and control took over.

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