“Winning” in Iraq

During an interview with Sen. John McCain on Monday’s NBC Nightly News, Brian Williams noted that “the videotape clip of your comment about being in Iraq 100 years if need be, of course, is still kicking around,” and then asked, “[G]iven your support for the surge and where you believe this nation is in Iraq today, where do you see it going and will your support be there for however many U.S. troops are required?”

McCain answered flatly: “Yes. And the fact is we are winning in Iraq.”*

Question:  how can one “win” in Iraq?  The very fact that a U.S Senator with all those years of experience can say those words should disqualify him from the Presidency.  You cannot occupy a country with such a sharply different culture for an untold number of years and “win”.  Ask everyone from the Romans, through the Mongols to the British.   How naive can you be?  he really doesn’t seem to have the judgment for the job he is aspiring to.

*Huffington Post , June 10


  1. Talking about the Mongols, I saw the film the other night. It is highly recommended. Very bloodthirsty (but what film isn’t these days?), but nonetheless beautifully filmed with an excellent cast, wonderful scenery and costumes . The audience was enthralled. Not a popcorn crunch could be heard.

  2. By ‘winning in Iraq’ – doesn’t he mean bringing reconciliation between religious and ethnic groups, and installing a stable government – and then ‘go back to his corner’… so to speak??
    Having said that, I realise that was not the original reason why Irq was invaded, and it is only an afterthought, having realised what a ‘pandora’s box has been opened.

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