White America

“The flow of immigrants into the US has reduced the US white population from 90% to 70% in 40 years, and will push it below 50% by 2050.”

Quoted by Eric Kaufman reviewing “God’s Continent: Christianity, Islam, and Europe’s Religious Crisis, by Philip Jenkins*


  1. Mr Jenkins in his book talks at length about the “religious crisis” in Europe. Europe has no “religious crisis”. Mr. Jenkins is American and is projecting his views upon an indifferent European population, which is perfectly happy without intrusive and intolerant religionists, thank you. America, on the other hand, has two crises (more, but let it be!) One is the ubiquity and aggressiveness of organized religion, which seeks to undermine and change the Constitution . The other crisis is caused by worry about loss of white culture on account of mass immigration. And believe me, the Republicans in particular are furious about it.

  2. You’re right. Huckabee, the genial religious extremist, told the world the other day that he wanted to change the Constitution to make marriage last a lifetime. In other words , he wants to make divorce illegal! Last time I looked the people identifying themselves as believers and churchgoers had a higher divorce rate than the atheists.

    Epicurus would be appalled. Were he around today he would have stood up for human rights, and divorce, handled in an equitable and civilized way, is a human right.

    We must talk more about human rights and human responsibilities.

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