Well…if it makes you feel better….

Pat Robertson claims that the tornadoes in the mid-West of the US may not have happened if people had prayed for divine intervention, “If enough people were praying He would’ve intervened.  You could pray.  Jesus stilled the storm. You can still storms.” He also told people who live in areas prone to natural disasters that it’s “their fault, not God’s.”

Of course he is partly right.   The increase in natural disasters is due you CO2 emissions and human activity.  But of course Mr. Robertson doesn’t believe in that.   The determined hostility towards science on the part of  the self-proclaimed “Christians” in large swathes of America is hastening  the decline of the Unites States into a know-nothing country of gun-toting ignoramuses.  And they don’t care.

Epicureans believe in science and ordered, researched discovery.  Epicureanism is a rational, positive way of life that doesn’t blame a supernatural being for the unpredictability of Nature or for things caused by the greed and stupidity of mankind.

Pray as much as you like, but the ice cap is melting and there are better ways of dealing with it than on your knees.


One Comment

  1. Little Jack Horner,
    Sat in a corner
    Watching the people die.
    They cried out for aid,
    So he knelt down and prayed
    and said ‘What a good boy am I”.

    As you say, “Self proclaimed Christians”; – for Jesus was always on about loving our neighbour and the way he meant that was to feed the hungry, give water to the thirsty, clothe those who needed clothers, and look after the sick and imprisoned. This is not to say that prayer does not have a place, though He also said to do that in private.
    Nowadays, I am sure he would include doing something about the environment.

    So Christians who are serious are meant to DO SOMETHING!. So you are right!

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