We will not be allowed to annoy reactionaries. That spoils everything.


The State of Connecticut is proposing a law to gag free speech on the internet.  These are some of the clauses in legislation, currently under review, which would render comment illegal:

(a) A person commits electronic harassment when such person, with intent to harass, annoy or alarm another person, transmits, posts, displays or disseminates, by or through an electronic communication device, radio, computer, Internet web site or similar means, to any person, a communication, image or information, which is based on the actual or perceived traits or characteristics of that person, which
(1) Places that person in reasonable fear of harm to his or her person or property;
(2) Has a substantial and detrimental effect on that person’s physical or mental health;
(3) Has the effect of substantially interfering with that person’s academic performance, employment or other community activities or
(4) Has the effect of substantially interfering with that person’s ability to participate in or benefit from any academic, professional or community-based services, activities or privileges; or
(5) Has the effect of causing substantial embarrassment or humiliation to that person within an academic or professional community.


  1. This blog seriously annoys and alarms reactionary yes-men in the Catholic Church, along with their loyal flocks, who are unable to think for themselves .

  2. In former times I’d say fearlessly: “Something so inclusive and so vague will never make it through the courts.” That was before the SCOTUS veered so far right (with the help of non-combative Democrats) that anything seems possible.

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