We have seen determined attacks on democracy before

Multi-millionaires Charles and David Koch have reportedly expressed interest in purchasing some or all of the holdings of The Tribune Company, which owns newspapers and television stations across the USA, including the Los Angeles Times.

The Koch brothers, who inherited their wealth, are accused of buying elections, funding anti-science research, bankrolling ultra-conservative organizations, union-busting, and funding the tea party. To the best of my knowledge they never deny it. They are the shock troops of the corporatocracy. Now they want to buy the Los Angeles Times to add another mouthpiece for their agenda.

Millions of people count on the Los Angeles Times for unbiased reporting. It would be a travesty if the Koch brothers are allowed to purchase a respected newspaper in order to peddle their discredited ideas and right-wing propaganda.

While the majority of Americans waste their lives watching sport or the antics of personalities in the media, people like this are busy solidifying the vice-like grip of the uber-wealthy and the corporations. For this reason it is important for Epicureans to enjoy their gardens, but the recommendation of Epicurus to avoid politics seems irresponsible when we are faced with people like the unabashed Koch brothers, who have, it appears, never heard of the French and Russian revolutions, even though their father was connected with the oil industry under Stalin.