War profiteers

…since 9/11 CEOs of the leading military contractors have enjoyed a doubling of their annual compensation.  The top 34 defense executives alone made a total of nearly a billion dollars in the past four years”.

Sarah Anderson of IPS

One Comment

  1. The idea of conducting a war where only 1% of the population is actually involved and the rest are given tax breaks and manicured news is surely a sign of a decadent culture. One thing a good Epicurean can do to offer at least some partial peace of mind (ataraxia) is to divest himself of any shares in arms dealers or privatized, profit-making military contracting companies, especially Halliburton. It is quite right to support the troops, who are trying to do the almost impossible job given them by incompetents with thoughtfulness and professionalism. The people who most egregiously are cashing in on the “don’t worry, lads, we don’t expect any sacrifice from the public. Just go on consuming” message are the bosses of the arms contractors. It was always thus, of course. You can guarantee that when they first invented iron swords it was the iron masters who got the most out of the warfare. The sick thing is that we are invited to think of these armchair millionaires as patriots and heroes.

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