Understanding Moslems, 4

"To be happy, to cease striving  and admit you are powerless .  Islam, the religion of surrender….No man’s life is worth anything.  It’s like the wind.
We’re in the world for only one reason, and that’s to act out what was written for us .  The man whose destiny is bad, he’s lucky, because all he has to do it to give thanks.  But the man whose destiny is good – – Ay!  That’s much harder, because unless he is a very good man he’ll begin to think that he had something to do with his good luck."

As spoken by Amar, from "The Spider’s House", by Paul Bowles

One Comment

  1. If you wanted to construct a a religion which allowed a small elite to dominate society with little or no resistance it would surely be Mohammedanism. “So, we have a crowd of brutal dictators ruling us. It is the will of Allah”.

    Why don’t intelligent people see through this hoax on the public? I suppose the quid pro quo is that very little effort is required from the mass of the people.
    Since everything is fore-ordained there is no point in fighting the system or even bettering yourself. A lazy man’s religion?

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