Uncontrollable population change

The latest world population statistics are stunning.  We have been lulled into a false sense of security by the forecasts of  a peak in world population by mid- century of  9 billion, followed by a slow decline as women become better educated and have smaller families.

Turns out this is likely to be bunkum!  There is a 70% chance of  a world population of 11 billion by 2100.  Sub- Saharan African figures are set to rise from 1bn today to between 3.5 and 5bn in 2100, with a truly troubling rise in  Nigeria alone from 200m today to 900m by the end of the century.

I have never understood the  silence over the issue of population, and can only assume that it is driven, on the one hand,  by the major religions, and, on the other, by big business.   The scorn that has been poured upon anyone doubting the benefits of an ever bigger world population have been  daunting.   Those pointing out the strain put upon land, food production, potable water resources, medical and education services, and social cohesion  by excessive population have been cast as villains.

I think this, the lack of debate about uncontrollable population change, is one of the  the great moral issue of the day, along with man-made climate change.  We are carelessly bequeathing a  double whammy to succeeding generations:  an horrendous climate and a world population with insufficient water, food, housing and jobs .  If you happen to think that immigration is a troublesome problem in Europe and the United States, just wait till half the population of Nigeria tries to migrate  to Western Europe.  That is a projected 400 million people!   And the think- tanks drink their coffee and chat, and the archbishops tut-tut about contraception.

It is no consolation to be able to say,”We have lived during the very best era in all human history”, which is true.  Epicurus is sitting up  there on a cloud, wondering how us current lot can blithely ignore what we are leaving to our grand-children.  We spend fortunes trying  to stop people dying of diseases of all sorts, but fail to offer family planning to women in these poor and corrupt countries to prevent the birth of children who will likely die long, lingering deaths, without a shred of hope.  Morally indefensible!

Answer: a huge, world- wide campaign entitled “Two only”,  backed by free contraceptive advice and funds for female education.  We could do it if we cared.

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