TTP is a silent coup

“” title=”Thoughts on the Trans-Pacific Partnership”>

The above excellent article on TTP, too long to quote in full in this space, should be circulated by everyone who values what is left of democracy, freedom and the rule of national law. These are its final sentences:

Finally, I think we have to ask one final question in connection with Congress’s pending consideration of the TPP. How can it be that any Congressperson or Senator or president for that matter, would even consider for one moment delegating the legislative authority of the Congress to corporate dominated foreign powers acting in 3-judge courts?

Have they taken leave of their senses? Can’t they see the profound disloyalty to the United States and compromise to its sovereignty inherent in an agreement sacrificing the freedom of action of future Congresses on the altar of free trade and market fundamentalism? Have neoliberalism and corporate contributions blinded them so much that they cannot see that they are selling out the sovereignty of United States to a foreign power?