Treating one another properly

“Part of the training of a good Epicurean consists of learning how to properly treat each other as part of a loving, caring community of philosopher friends”. (from Tending the Epicurean Garden)

One would hope that this sort of training would have been given by parents at an early age! Children soak up the teachings of their parents, and if the latter are loving and caring there is a good chance that their children will be as well. However, times have changed. With both parents working,it must be difficult for them to be policing their children, unlike the old days when the mother-at-home was supervisor. It has been a gain for women, but can be a loss for children. Manners, consideration, thoughtfulness, good humor – all these are both Epicurean and also signs of the civilised human being. Knowing how and when to thank people, how to remonstrate with someone politely but firmly, how to complain in a way that gets you what you want without giving offense, how to help around the house, tidy their rooms, be organised and methodical – these are some of the many things a parent should teach. Some do; but some let their kids go to their rooms and spend hours on the internet or on electronic games, ignoring their homework and having neither an evening meal with their parents nor any conversations with them. How will they end up when they go out into the world?