To be late is to desecrate other people’s time

Henning Mankell, in his book called “Depths”.

Epicureans respect the lives of others around them and realize that others have busy lives.  If you make a a firm arrangement or an appointment, it is rude and selfish not to be on time  (of course, those who are genuinely held up by accidents etc. are, mmh,  excused).

If I were asked , “What in the course of your life, has given you the most dismay, angst, and sometimes boiling indignation, it is the abandonment by many of the common courtesies and the inability of to think of others.  This is the legacy of the baby boomers, I’m afraid.

To see young men sitting on a London Tube pretending that an old  lady , struggling with a walking stick and dangling from a strap, isn’t there and can be ignored, is a symbol of the  brave new world which are are invited to admire.  Disgusting, I call it.  If seats are offered it is very frequently by young Asian women. In Asia older people are still respected.

Rant complete.  Up Epicurus!