Thought for the day

“The word retirement is a very harmful word because it tells you that you have no more use left in you. You retire a ship, you have no use for it, you just put it in mothballs.

A human being is not something you can mothball”.    (Mohammad Yunus)

One Comment

  1. I’d very much like to be like my grandparents: although they’re retired, they make very good use of their time- visiting exotic and historical places around the world, reading, taking walks in the country, joining various societies for things like history and geology. That is part of the reason why their health is better than most people their age, though I’m sure a well-balenced and varied diet also contributes. Due to the internet and the increased ease of getting around, there are more opportunities for retirees than ever before. It would be an utmost folly not to take them.

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