Thought for the day

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest- tossed to me, I will lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

And compare the above fine words with the un-poetic sentiments and actions of the new US Administration and its followers.

Casual encounters both in the United States and the United Kingdom, maybe not scientifically verifiable, suggest that, once established in their new country, the former “huddled masses”, now prosperous, are in no hurry to welcome immigrants and refugees who might compete with them.


  1. America doesn’t need the “huddled masses” of Mohammedan immigrants that are responsible for the epidemic of rape in Europe, as well as terrorism in general.

    There was a time in the history of America that open immigration was desirable, but no more.

    It’s not only Germany that covers up mass sex attacks by migrant men…

    Germany’s Migrant Rape Crisis Spirals out of Control
    Suppression of data about migrant rapes is “Germany-wide phenomenon.”

    “This is why people have lost hope in leftist politicians who praise
    Europe’s multiculturalist ways. Some Western leaders even use Europe as an example of what America should be. They tend to leave out the terrorism and rape part.”

    Thanks to the EU liberal lunacy, look for the tide of populism to continue to rise in

    Hopefully Le Pen will be elected in France this year, and other nations will follow suit that will look after the safety, security, and well being of its citizens first and foremost.

    Majority in France against immigration

    Are there police no-go zones in France? The police say yes

    • I wouldn’t tolerate sex attacks by anyone, anywhere. The reality is that that only a tiny proportion of the population are so screwed up and inadequate that they would grope a woman (and brag about it) or force her to have sex. The majority are law-abiding people who want peace and safety for their families. Many are very well educated and trained – Syria had an excellent educational and training system at one point, although Westerners are totally ignorant of it (I went there).

      Yes, probably Germany has taken in too many refugees and that threatens the local culture. And yes, a very few terrorists have infiltrated with the many peaceable migrants. The longer-term problem comes when the migrants want to live exactly as they have always lived, keep their language and won’t adopt the local culture. But give them a generation and that sorts itself out – and Europe has a falling population, too many old people and not enough young wage earners to pay maintain the economy. And by the way, the problems of the EU are many, but terrorism and rape are small in relations to the others.

      The actual number of people killed or injured by terrorists in the West is tiny in reality. It is enough to give politicians the handy weapon of fear to brandish, but it is insignificant against the 32,000 people unnecessarily killed by gunfire in America. Hypocrisy rules O.K.

  2. Trump’s ban on people from supposedly ‘high risk’ countries will do nothing to stop terrorism. Committed terrorists will find a way to enter the country regardless. The only people it will stop are innocent, law-abiding people who want to work, study or go on holiday in the United States. This is just red meat thrown at the base. It will do nothing to improve the lives of ordinary people. On the contrary, if America is seen as an unwelcoming place, fewer talented people will want to live and study there, making the country poorer. Its not surprise that businesses have been so outspoken about the detrimental economic effects of the ban.

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