Thought for the day

President Trump visited the memorial wall of the CIA operatives who lost their lives in the course of duty, ignored the dead and spent his time complaining about the reports in the media about the size of attendance at the inauguration.  Attendance in person, mind you, not total world- wide viewers on the  media.  Side by side photos of the inauguration on the Mall in 2009 (Obama) show the whole huge area chock full of people.  At this recent inauguration the place was about one third full, if that.  Does  it matter? No!  What can we deduce from this? Well, the emotional age of the new President, for one thing.  Any guesses?

You choose!

(An incident like this is quite likely to happen almost every day for the next four years. I promise I won’t report the daily Presidential stupidities on every possible opportunity, but this is particularly pathetic).


  1. The fact is, Trump is the most unpopular president in living memory, unless one disregards all polling done on the subject. He lost the popular vote, and barring a miracle, will do so again in four years time. In much of the country, the major cities especially, he is absolutely despised. No amount of bluster or angry tweeting can change that. Trump should stop ranting and start acting presidential, for the good of the country.

    • Yeah, we can trust the polls. They also said Britain wouldn’t Brexit and Hillary would win the U.S. election.

      • They accurately predicted the popular vote in the US election, and a lot showed a Leave lead in the Brexit referendum. They weren’t perfect, but for Trump not to be hopelessly unpopular, they would all have to be way outside the margin of error. The probability of that being the case is minute.

    • Trump is not despised in much of America.

      Trump probably did win the popular vote, if one excludes the illegals and deceased that voted for Hillary.

      Hillary and the DNC conspired to deny Sanders the nomination, so don’t imagine that she wouldn’t attempt to steal a general election.

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