This is London

According to a book by Ben Judah called “This is London” the following are statistics, culled from government documents and surveys, that are quite amazing:

–  in 40 years the percentage of white British in London has fallen from 86% to 45%.
–  600,00 Londoneers are there illegally
 – the number of Africans would fill a city the size of Sheffield. 
–  57% of all births are to migrant mothers.
–  a gun is fired on average every six hours
–  96% of all London prostitutes are migrants.
–  60% of all cares of children, the elderly and the sick are also migrants.
–  each ethnic group sticks to its own enclave, the Bangladeshis in Spittlefield being one obvious group.

If you wonder why so many British people want to leave the EU, you don’t have to look far.  I personally believe that Britain should stay in the EU. I am a descendant of immigrants. Immigration can greatly benefit a country.  But even the most liberal person has to sympathize with Brits who see the culture of their country changing before their eyes and no one able to moderate the inflow of migrants, moderation being the keyword. They don’t necessarily want it stopped; to do so is impossible anyway, just kept at a level that can be coped with in terms of jobs, housing and social services.


  1. One of the problems is that a lot young immigrants are not thinking of being in London for long. Many are young and come to improve their English, and, while doing so are not that fussy about the wages they earn as waiters, shop assistants etc. to tide them over. These wages are in real terms lower than they were 40 years ago, when jobs were filled by young Brits starting out on the ladder. Young Brits are faced  with very expensive commutes (train fares being a scandal) and  can’t live on the low wages.  Nor can they afford the rents ( migrants often living, as they may, in crowded digs and dormitories).  

    It is absolutely politically incorrect to say the above. Which is the problem, because the backlash against immigration in one of the most accepting and tolerant nations in the world, is testament to the frustration and helplessness that so many people feel when they are forced into acquiescence and are not allowed to have their say. Unfortunately,, in June they will have that say, and, in my opinion, the outcome is likely to be dangerous for the future of the country.

  2. Robert you are very brave for writing this article, well done! I think we are seeing in America, the ugly results of what happens when people feel as if political correctness has gone too far, and people feel as if they can no longer speak truthfully for fear of offending someone.

    I’m afraid I too am going to have to be a bit politically incorrect as well and say that there is no such thing as true multiculturalism, at least on a large scale. Even in a small community of enlightened and wealthy individuals, such as a university, ethnic enclaves exist. For instance, at Exeter, the black people have their own society in which whites are de facto banned. The overseas Asians mostly stick to themselves, though the language barrier plays a part in that. There are some slightly multi-ethnic social groups, but nothing close to true integration. So if multiculturalism is impossible at a university, how can anyone pretend that it is possible in a country?

    Which brings me on to immigration. The ethnic enclaves we see in London, New York, Paris and other big cities are not a result of failed policies, they are an inevitable product of human behavior. People are naturally drawn to those that they have the most in common with. There are exceptions, but that is the norm. Everyone likes to all about integrating immigrants, but the truth is to an extent this is impossible, at least with the first generation. Some first generation immigrants will be fully integrated, but many will not, and can’t be expected to be because they have natural ties with their country of origin. This means that any multi ethnic city like London, can never be as culturally cohesive as the counties, where the white British population dominates. Even if full integration were theoretically possible, in reality it will never happen.

    The Left is going to lose elections all over the developed world, because it is ideologically opposed to what so many of its natural voters want: a reduction in immigration. It talks down any opposition as racist or xenophobic, and treats people like idiots unless they fully agree with what it says. It looks down on English patriotism as some kind of illness. And it views a preference for a more monocultural society as a hatred rather than a different opinion. I want Britain to welcome immigrants and treat them well as it has done in the past. But like so many of my countrymen, I feel as if things have got out of hand. If the rates of immigration were to return to historical norms, I think everyone would be better off for it.

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