The War on Christians?

Rabbi Daniel Lapin, who introduced Jack Abramoff to former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, talks of a “persecuted majority of christians".   

“ There is no better term than propaganda blitzkrieg to describe what has been unleashed against Christian conservatives recently, " he is quoted as saying.  "Consider the long list of anti-Christian books that have been published in recent months. Fervent zealots of secularism are flinging themselves into this anti-Christian war with enormous fanaticism. If they succeed, Christianity will be driven underground, and its benign influence on the character of America will be lost. In its place we shall see a sinister secularism that menaces Bible believers of all faiths. Once the voice of the Bible has been silenced, the war on Western Civilization can begin and we shall see a long night of barbarism descend on the West.”

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