The Vatican

With a short while to go before choosing yet another autocrat to run the Catholic Church (reactionaries continue to insist that the relative democracy of the early Christian church and the importance of women should be airbrushed out of history), the Vatican is battling persistent rumours that Benedict’s decision was triggered by an explosive report on intrigue in its corridors of power.

The secret report compiled by a committee of three cardinals for the Pope’s eyes only was the result of a wide-ranging investigation into leaks of confidential papers from the Vatican that caused huge embarrassment last year.

The Panorama news weekly and the Repubblica daily said on Thursday that the report contained allegations of corruption and of blackmail attempts against gay Vatican clergymen, as well as favouritism based on gay relationships. The cardinals’ conclusions “revolve around the sixth and seventh commandments” — “Thou shall not commit adultery” and “Thou shall not steal”.

There was a twist when Pope Benedict XVI replaced Monsignor Ettore Balestrero, a powerful behind-the-scenes figure in the Secretariat of State with a major role in handling the Vatican bank’s foreign relations. He is being sent as Vatican envoy to Colombia — a serious demotion. (Adapted from a Guardian report)

Blessedly, Epicureans will never have an equivalent of the bishop of Rome telling them what to think. Were such a person to emerge, he would stand alone, blathering on to himself. A nice thing about Epicureanism is that it is mostly common sense, with a number of recommendations. The gaps you can fill in for yourself.


  1. What, as an observer, really gets me is the attitude towards women. Yes, the 12 disciples were all men. It was a man’s world, as it still is among extremist Orthodox Jews to this day. Women were cooks and breeding machines., Virtual slaves. By the 4th Century the bishops had made sure that Christian women were put back where they belonged – in the kitchen and the bedroom. An opportunity lost to show open-mindedness ,not to mention loving kindness, as promoted by Jesus (remember him?)

    You cannot have a successful marriage without a semblance of equality between man and woman. Likewise, you cannot survive as a religious organization in today’s world without insisting on equality, which means women priests, bishops and popes. Away with the good ole boys! ( ooh, did I say “good” ).

  2. Yes, Yes, Yes. I have been feeling so furious and indeed in despair about the way women are still claustrated in this day and age. Femail circumcision ; (HOW DARE THEY) gang rape; How dare they. Grooming young girls for the sex trade; excluding girls from education; forced marriage; honour killings; the right to drive a car; etc I could go on and on and get angrier and angrier.
    Yes, Jesus treated women with respect – as far as I know so did other wise men such as Gandhi. According to the New Testament, Women led house churches in the 1st century AD… so whats the problem with having them lead the churches today.
    I despair sometimes and feel pretty depressed by the way this world is going these days.

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