The ugly face of capitalism

Walmart is one ne of the most profitable corporations in the world, current profitability $132 billion.  It is privately owned by one of the richest families in the world.   But if you need to miss a day of work owing  to illness, even if you have a doctor’s note, you may find your Walmart supervisor disciplining you — an “occurrence” in corporate Walmart speak – and you could lose your job.

Walmart, the largest employer of African Americans and Latinos in the US, has always focused on maximizing profit for the Walton family off the backs of its massive workforce.  Earlier  this year, it “streamlined” its sick leave policy, treating it as vacation time.

Even doctors’ notes — which can be prohibitively expensive for workers on a Walmart salary — are too often ignored by Walmart supervisors. In 2014, a pregnant woman fell ill from the harsh chemicals she used cleaning. Her doctor ordered her to stop because repeated use of the chemicals “could harm her fetus and herself.” She was fired.

Last year customers were complaining about empty shelves, filthy washrooms and endless checkout lines. And then,because of endless pressure by worker-supported organizations, Walmart capitulated and raised wages. Suddenly, stores improved and sales went up. Imagine what could happen if Walmart had a sick leave policy that wasn’t a complete disgrace. ( Adapted from the website)

Nobody deserves to lose their job because they get sick. Every worker deserves paid sick days. Walmart workers across North America are asking for six — just six! — paid sick days.   If you treat your employees fairly and decently, they reciprocate, work better and harder and, lo and behold, profits grow.  Whether that lesson is internalized is another matter.



  1. My old company had an allowance of three weeks sick pay. This was just as well, because we had loyal old staff who had been demobbed at the end of World War Two and then started working for us. They needed that sick pay – and paid us back handsomely.

    It amazes me that Americans put up with the way they are treated by some corporations. Workers have allowed unions to be bullied and brow- beaten and there are no strong advocates left to ensure civilised treatment of employees. Holiday entitlements must be the lowest in the world. The fact is that workers work better if they get rest and a change. European holiday entitlements prove that productivity actually improves if you offer decent time off.

  2. I’m a big supporter of the #Fightfor15 movement sweeping the American working class. Its time to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour. This would prove far more efficient and effective than current anti-poverty programmes, because instead of corporations paying the government, who then pays the worker who don’t receive enough in wages, corporations pay the workers directly.

    Its also amazing that its so easy to fire people. I’m not suggesting America be like France, where employment regulations prevent working class but talented people from moving upwards, because employers are reluctant to hire newcomers who they can’t fire easily. But America has the opposite problem. Being able to fire someone for whatever reason you like is wrong. No one should be fired for not using harmful chemicals.

    Waitrose and John Lewis in the UK, pay their workers far more than the market average. The result is that they have built up a cult following amongst the British people, despite being notably more expensive than their rivals. If you pay your workers well, they will perform better- they will be more efficient and polite to customers. This makes for a more pleasant shop, increasing sales. Higher wages also mean a higher calibre of employee; the Waitrose in my old college employed a lot of highly intelligent and educated students, not just low skilled people desperate for a job.

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