The secret of life

“I am completely optimistic that within what I hope will be my lifetime we will unlock the secret of life, and finally take our understanding of evolutionary biology back to that remarkable transition from non-biological chemistry to biology. Not only will we be able to create life in the laboratory, but we will be able to trace our own origins back, and gain insight into the remarkable question of how much life there is in the universe. We will surely discover microbial life elsewhere in our solar system, and I expect we will find that it is our cousin, from the same seed, if you will, rather than being truly alien. But all of this will make living even more fascinating.”

LAWRENCE M. KRAUSS, a physicist/cosmologist, is the Ambrose Swasey Professor of Physics and chairman of the Physics Department of Case Western Reserve University.

Quoted in The Edge, World Question Center

One Comment

  1. What will people do for superstition then? Some people think we are seeing the death throes of organised religion as it is, which explains the assertiveness and (in a minority of cases) the verbal and physical violence of some so-called religious people. I am not so sure. It is important to an awful lot of people.

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