The school massacre

Why are Americans protecting guns and gun owners and not children?

You  don’t have to be a follower of Epicurus to oppose the ownership of semi and fully automatic guns in the hands of non-military people.   You just have to have a modicum of common sense.

The above is a précis of the reaction of normal people.  Apparently, their views count for nothing.

One Comment

  1. If you truly believe that “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people”, and you believe these horrific acts of violence aren’t the fault of guns but are the fault of the people with those guns (which is a common talking point):

    Then why doesn’t the gun lobby support strenuous background checks before purchasing a gun?

    Why doesn’t the gun lobby support requiring a psychological evaluation before purchasing a gun?

    If it’s a “people problem”, then why doesn’t the gun lobby support “people solutions”?

    Obviously, these are rhetorical questions because the gun lobby it not interested in solutions, just sales.

    by NorthSeattleDem on Fri Dec 14, 2012 at 01:11:11 PM PST

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