The Queen

Writing this in London I cannot let the  opportunity go by without commenting on the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth.   The Queen has been the best Head of State of any country in the world, and has been thus for decades.  She has worked tirelessly for sixty years and has been a model of public service and dedication to her country.  Those who want to abolish the monarchy should suggest who else could have done the job – Tony Blair?

Her moderation, hard work and loyalty are positively Epicurean.


One Comment

  1. I cannot but agree with what you say. There is a moderately strong republican feeling in the country, but I have a suspicion that their sentiments are prompted by “anti privilege ” rather than criticism of the monarchy as such. The monarchy, encapsulated by the present Queen, is the one stable and consistent feature in a country which is losing its way politically, culturally and morally.

    God save the queen!

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