The power of the lobbies

Only two cars sold in the US have a combined city/highway gas mileage of over 40 miles per gallon.  In contrast, there are 113 such cars in markets elsewhere.  It is worse than it looks, because a few years ago there were five cars that could reach 40 mpg in the States.  Meanwhile 88% of Americans say they want fuel efficiency, and 80% would support Congressional action to mandate it.  The CAFE standard is still 27.5 mpg after 2 decades.

America is losing the race to develop the best fuel efficient technology.  The ridiculous thing is that two thirds of fuel efficient cars are either made by US manufacturers overseas or by foreign manufacturers who sell in the US. *

Relevance?  What is the point of tending one’s own garden if  it is to be either sizzled, destroyed by storms or deluged with flood or hurricane owing to global warming.   Live in a garden but be part of the world!

*Source:  Civil Society Institute.


  1. Ban the grotesque Hummer. And while you are about it, remove the tax break on SUVs! I unilaterally declare them un-Epicurean!

    Every “religion” has its dogmas! Why not this?

  2. The Washington Post reports that climate change is a very sensitive topic for Democrats. That’s because it is going to cost someone MONEY! Oh dear! How can they think of incommoding the American public by charging them for their over-consumption? The whiny, red-meat-full-of-nasty-chemicals-eating, bird shooting, gun-toting Republicans will be up in arms. Poor dears.

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