The morally-challenged defenders of the Flag.

Pittsburgh billionaire Richard Mellon Scaife earned himself a prime spot in Hillary Clinton’s “vast right-wing conspiracy” during the ’90s by pumping tons of money into the investigations of Bill’s extramarital activities (among other conservative causes). Now he is the subject of his own morality probe. A few years back his wife — Margaret Ritchie Rhea Battle Scaife, AKA Ritchie — hired a private detective to follow him, according to Vanity Fair:
In December of 2005, the private detective proved Ritchie’s fears to have been well founded: he took pictures showing the reclusive 75-year-old billionaire with a woman named Tammy Vasco, a tall, blonde 43-year-old arrested twice for prostitution. The pair was photographed at Doug’s Motel, a roadside establishment near Pittsburgh, where rooms rent for $49 a night, or $31 for three hours.

Doug’s Motel? And a week after Ritchie found out, Scaife kicked her out of the house and called the cops on her for trespassing! She sneaked back around on foot to the dining-room window to try to catch him with Vasco on her cellphone camera, set off the security system, and got dragged away by the cops. The 60-year-old socialite spent that night — three days before Christmas — in a holding cell at the Allegheny County Jail, where her fellow prisoners passed the time by petting the fur collar of her coat. Ritchie’s getting over $1 million a month from him.

In the interests of freedom, liberty, the Stars and Stripes, the honor of the country, and in the name of the Founders of This Great Country of Ours, it is important to get the word out about how some of these hypocritical multi-millionaires (who fund family values organizations) really behave.


  1. Is it true that Scaife inherited the Mellon money and has had little to do in his life except dole out money to dubious organizations? Anyone knowing more about this great patriot, please inform. Just for the record. I don’t mean to denigrate him in any way.

  2. Theses people are the worst. It’s hard to see why they hate their fellow Americans so much. It’s the hypocrisy I hate.

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