The Meaning of God to Americans, part 2

A  Newsweek survey showed that creationism, or a variant thereof, was the belief of 48% of Americans.  Only 13% chose evolution as their explanation for human development.

61% of all Americans think that Genesis is literally true, rather than a (rather fetching, if simple) explanation put forward by primitive and ignorant people for the creation of the earth.

80% of Americans claimed that they attended church on a weekly or occasional basis.

49% said that it was quite possible to believe in evolution and the "divine creation by god".


  1. I put it down to lousy education. What are they teaching them in public schools?

    Epicureans have no problem with evolution. they certainly have a problem with Genesis.

  2. Imagine what it would be like if the Babylonians or Assyrians had written down their creation myths and they had survived to the present day! Imagine if the Jewish version had, on the other hand, vanished as a result of fire or warfare.
    Would 21st Century Americans treat Babylonian creation myth (very similar, if not identical to Genesis, although who stole the ideas from whom is a mute point) as the literal word of god?

  3. I doubt Epicurus would have had any problem with Genesis. He was concerned with superstition, and fear of an afterlife. Creation myths have none of those attributes. So he would not have made a bother about that at all.

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