The London bombs

Another bomb attack in London within a few minutes of where the writer is staying, but note the Epicureanism (albeit they are not aware of being Epicureans!)  of the Londoners- – no hysteria, no tears, no panic.  Many of those interviewed simply said, "We cannot let them win.  Life must go on.  The best way to deal with them is to ignore them.’
A calm and relaxed reaction. 


  1. It was inevitable, but nonetheless nothing in comparison with what Iraqis have to put up with. I can’t help wondering at the crass cruelty and twisted lack of imagination of the perpetrators. It is the Government – – the last Government – – that involved itself in Iraq, supported the Israeli invasion of the Lebanon, etc, etc. The vast majority of the people deplore the policy and can see it is self-defeating and invites and encourages terrorism and all the bad things about the wretched two wars. Attack the Government if you want a target! Why attack the people who may not support you, but at least don’t want to beat up your Moslem co-religionists.

    What a sick world. Long live the Epicurean garden!!

  2. Excellent post and comment. You can imagine what the rags here are headlining. FEAR! FEAR! FEAR! Such craven reactions are nursed and encouraged by Bush’s misrule which until recently had almost silenced the rational, “can-do” attitude of the old days.

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