We now have to be aware of the “cultural vigilantes” who look out for the slightest offense you might or might not be giving to some minority. The list includes homophobia, racism, transphobia, sexism and all-round bigotry. This new intolerance emantes from universities and colleges, where students must be on constant alert for “microaggressions” – the small social slights, that create “a hostile environment” for the disempowered. Straight white men who venture an opinion without first acknowledging their privileged status are mocked for “mansplaining” or “whitesplaining”. (Jonathan Chat in New York magazine).
Everyone should be treated with consideration, politeness and respect, preferably with humour. At the same time, we have to make the politically correct crusaders understand that no one can help the parents they had, the gender they were born with or the upbringing they had little control over. You don’t have to socialize with people of whom you disapprove, but you should always treat them to a nice smile.
Well said! This is a particular problem at universities, which were once bastions of free speech, but have know become the epicentre of political correctness. Of course we shouldn’t hold bigoted views, but many people see the overzealous policing of hate speech as a means to shut down the debate.