The human right to end one’s own life

The objective of the medical profession should be to prolong life, not to prolong death.
The preoccupation among doctors with keeping alive those who will be on life support indefinitely is perverse. Indeed, it is cruel. We should all have the right to end our lives when we want to and sign a piece of paper, by all means, indemnifying the doctors, with no legal comeback. We should also be allowed to end the suffering of those we love when it is clear that they cannot recover and can never again be the people we love. This takes enormous courage, and no one should be judged harshly for backing out.

Epicurus believed in the “good death”, by which he meant that we should be able to face the end content with what we have done and achieved, with a smile on the face (if possible!), love in the heart and with a fond goodbye. In the case of a terminal disease this should be helped along with a pill so that you can go when you want to go, not when some stranger wants you to. Our rights should not be dictated by priests, lawyers, or politicians.

One Comment

  1. A brave and compassionate post. Anyone who has witnessed the suffering caused by prolonging treatments that will not do good for our loved ones but only extend their misery–will recognize the truth of what you say.

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