The disgusting truth about the town of Rotherham

Britain is pre-occupied with a scandal that surrounds a town of Rotherham, near Sheffield.

A report on child sexual exploitation has found that at least 1,400 children were abused in Rotherham from 1997-2013. The report, published on Tuesday, found children as young as 11 were raped by multiple perpetrators, abducted, trafficked to other cities, beaten and intimidated.

What we are not being told by most of the media is that the alleged perpetrators were Muslim men, including taxi drivers, who identified young girls on the internet, picked them up at clubs, and either took advantage of them while drunk, or forced them to have sex.

What seems now to be clear is that the authorities either didn’t believe the stories from the girls or that they were terrified of arresting the Pakistanis for fear of being accused of racism. So thoroughly has the Pakistani community in England persuaded the white population that any criticism of the immigrant community is racist that even the police, presented with multiple complaints, did nothing. The media has also been similarly reluctant to clarify the accusations (which, until the truth is out and the criminals are convicted, are just that – accusations). It took an honest, and brave, young woman of Pakistani origin on a TV news channel to make it clear what the scandal was about. In doing this, she acknowledged that some members of the Pakistani community have a disdain for integration and no respect for British law. She pointed out that cultural sensitivities should not in any way include tolerance for child abuse. This has come at rather a bad moment for the otherwise law-abiding Pakistani community because of events in muslim countries.

Epicureans believe deeply in the equality of men and women and will not tolerate exploitation, sexual or otherwise, of children. There seems to be little future for Pakistan as a modern country, but the British need to make sure that their country does not become Islamized by people with strange and distorted ideas as to what Islam properly stands for, whether they concern young women or jihad.


  1. A 25-year-old woman, three months pregnant, has been stoned to death by her relatives outside a courtroom in Lahore, Pakistan — a so-called honor killing meant to punish her for marrying the man she loved rather than a cousin, as dictated by her father. This is viewed by many as a breach of honor of the family, and is used as a reason to seek revenge.

    After failing to kidnap the woman, nearly 20 members of her family, including her father and brothers, attacked the couple with sticks and bricks before a crowd of onlookers in front of the high court of Lahore. The whole family escaped, including the husband, except the poor young woman. It is always the woman who is murdered.

    I don’t know whether these so-called “honor” killings are justified by Islamic sharia law. Perhaps someone can enlighten me? From the covering of women to the eating of pork and shellfish, these ancient practical customs tend to be incorporated into the local religious lore. So much the worse for religion, much of which is designed to suit men with a penchant for control over others.

    To be fair, the Pakistan daily paper, Dawn, commented, “Pakistan a land of animals? Even animals don’t kill their offspring.” “Pakistan has become a sick nation…living in the dark ages,” another commenter says. Epicureans concur. Epicureanism is based upon love and respect for others.

  2. I know this sounds a bit fascistic, but I can’t help but think that none of this would have happened if the Muslims had never been allowed into Britain in the first place. I find it hard to find any evidence of Muslims making a positive contribution to British society, yet there is plenty of evidence of Muslims being harmful to society. Is it Epicurean to ban the immigration of those with un-Epicurean values?

  3. The British welcomed the Pakistanis and made absolutely certain that no one was allowed to criticize them or overtly object to their presence. Some of this was guilt – we had colonized them without being invited, and this was pay- back time. What no one expected was the large number of people involved, the intensity of their culture, (which meant that so many (especially men) have never integrated) and the disdain some of them feel for the British way of life.

    So probably a majority of British people sympathize with your view. This is not the United States, where everyone is or has been an immigrant and wildly different cultures can be accommodated (although even there the resentment at the sheer numbers of Latino immigrants is growing fierce as the indigenous people fear for their language and culture).

    On the other hand the women of Pakistani origin, have done very well in the UK. If you are in business and have auditors come in, large numbers of them will be women. Likewise, in fields like health they do very well. Most opticians, for instance, seem to be ladies of Pakistani origin – they may be wearing headscarfs but they are as British as anyone else, and a huge bonus for the country. Just two examples. The problem people are the men, used, under islamic culture, to dominate their women, and now finding it increasingly difficult dealing with women who are better educated than themselves and maybe making more money

    The above are wild generalizations, I admit. But the point is that we have to use the principles of Epicureanism and step back and tell ourselves that we cannot condemn everyone concerned; it is not fair. The proportion of bad people is probably small, and they should be punished. The threat of revocation of citizenship? Maybe the only way to make them re-think their outlook?

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