The American evangelicals

One effect of Trump’s candidacy in the American elections is the split among self-identifying evangelicals. It seems, according to the Washington Post, that white evangelical Protestants who are working class are more than twice as likely to support Trump than their brother evangelicals with college degrees (15% to 37%). Those who attend religious services infrequently are more likely to vote for Trump than those who attend every week (44% to 23%). Support for Trump is growing: in November the figure was 37%; in late January 53%.

Many pastors see a split between Christian pragmatists and Christian idealists. An uninvolved observer might observe that this election has highlighted the hypocrisy among a bloc that has always been regarded as solidly behind the teaching of its pastors. The latter are now having to come to terms with the fact that a large proportion of their flocks are arguably not Christian at all. It’s hard to extend Christian forgiveness to over half a flock that seems to enthusiastically support religious intolerance, racism and thuggery at political meetings, not to mention more wars to “make America great again”.

Well, at least it’s all out in the open now.

One Comment

  1. I don’t understand why more Evangelicals aren’t supporting Ted Cruz. Unlike Trump, he has a consistently conservative record on the social issues. He’s also lived a more conservative lifestyle: he’s never been divorced, or even had sex outside marriage as far as I can tell. Trump on the other hand, is highly promiscuous and makes money from casinos and strip clubs. His vulgarity and sense of self-importance is exactly the opposite from the example Jesus gave as to how to live your life.
    Having said all that, I’m glad the non-religious vote is increasingly going towards Sanders. Like Trump, it’s clear that religion isn’t an especially important part of his life. But unlike Trump, Sanders hasn’t replaced worship of a god with worship of himself. Instead, Sanders believes that nothing and no-one is infallible. The best way to live your life is according to the timeless Epicurean principles espoused in this blog- which aren’t subject to the arbitrary whims of religious leaders or the religious politics of the day.

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