Stupid, intrusive surveys

I received an email from asking me to complete a survey. Among the questions asked was a request to rate the following things out of a maximum of 10:

“Your relationship with your family”
“Your financial situation”
“Your health”
“Your love life. (truly!)
“Your happiness

Expedia is a travel company that books trips and hotels. What possible business does it have asking these personal and intrusive questions? And what possible relevance do they have to an on-line travel agency?

We have created a culture where it seems acceptable to not only ask highly personal questions of strangers, but also acceptable to offer answers to them. I was tempted to do a spoof of Expedia’s tacky survey, but if I did I would deserve to have no readers.

By the way, I attempted to cancel my account with Expedia and told them they had no judgment or common sense. Yes, I could refuse to complete the survey, and I did. What I object to is the mind-set.

Epicurus, and I dare say all his fellow philosophers, would have bee puzzled at the intrusiveness of big business into the lives of citizens and would have rejected this dismal development. We have to do what we can to hold companies to account when they exceed the bounds of civilized behavior.

One Comment

  1. Dear Expedia Customer,

    Thank you for contacting us about your feedback towards our survey form.

    We would like apologize for any lack of service you received. It is never Expedia’s intent to cause inconvenience to our customers, and we are sorry that you feel Expedia has done so. It is disheartening when our customers feel that we have not met the standards to which we hold our organization and employees, as we attempt to provide the most efficient, quality service available.

    As you may know, Expedia acts as an independent reservations agent for airlines, car rental companies, and hotels. However, if one of our customers has an unsatisfactory experience, we want to take appropriate action to ensure that other customers do not have a similar experience.

    If you wish to write a review regarding your bad customer service experience, please go to our website and open your account.

    1. Go to “”.

    2. Click on “Support” at the top right portion of the page.

    3. Under the dropdown menu “Support”, select “Feedback”.

    4. Select “Website Feedback”, fill out the informations needed.

    Expedia reserves the right to refuse or remove at any time any review that does not comply with the guidelines and the Expedia terms of use. Expedia is not responsible or liable in any way for ratings and reviews posted by users. A posted review will generally be removed from the site one year after the posting date.

    You may also write your review by using our partner website, “”. You may use the link “”.

    If you require further assistance with your reservation, you may contact us through our toll free number at the number below. A customer service representative would be happy to assist you on this matter. Kindly have your account information like user name, e-mail address or itinerary number ready as well.

    If this does not answer your question or solve your problem, feel free to reply to this message or call us at 1-800-EXPEDIA (1-800-397-3342) or 1-404-728-8787 (for callers outside U.S and Canada) and reference case ID: M-6425672.

    Thank you for choosing Expedia.

    Expedia Customer Service Team

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