“Spectre”, the weird comedy

“I was surprised that the latest Bond film, Spectre, is officially categorised as containing only ‘moderate violence’. Since it involves exploding buildings (with people inside them), several shootings, fisticuffs every few minutes, eye-gouging and torture, I shudder to think what would be labelled ‘immoderate’. People who join Isis and other Islamist groups are accused of an obsession with violence. But the proverbial Martian, coming across a Bond film and its box office success, might conclude that such an obsession is not primarily a Muslim problem. And yes, I know there’s eye-gouging in King Lear, but at least you get great poetry with it.”  (Peter Wilby in The Spectator)

Mr. Wilby, this whole thing is a giant spoof. It is a tongue-cin-cheek take-off of a lot of much more pornographic, violent movies that have been made in recent years, most of them out of Hollywood and most of them taking themselves very seriously.  I have to say that it’s so preposterous that I personally erupted into giggles all the way through.  The acting, the sets, the special effects are brilliant, but no one can take it seriously for a minute.

Well , except maybe for the proverbial Martian and Mr Wilby. Are we losing our sense of humour?


  1. I personally really enjoyed Spectre, but then I’m at the age where ratings haven’t mattered for a very long time. I also tend to go to the cinema much later in the evening than most people, so there’s never any concerned parents worrying that the film is too violent.
    I’m very sceptical of social conservatives who argue that our society is uniquely obsessed with violence. People used to enjoy throwing fruit at people in the stocks, and even public executions. The Roman gladiator arenas were violent beyond anything we would enjoy today. What is different now is technology, which allows us to access the things we enjoy- including violence- more easily.
    You’re right that these films take themselves too seriously. Violent comedy works much better: see Hot Fuzz, Guardians of the Galaxy, Kingsmen, the upcoming Deadpool film, and a lot of horror films- all good examples.

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