So this is why I’m a sexual libertine!

"…our present moral state of affairs, morbid as it is is the result of having accepted the whole materialist package, of which Darwinism was an essential part.  The larger materialist package supports all kinds of things which are morally repugnant to Christians , not only…Social Darwinism and eugenics, but also sexual libertinism, abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, cloning and so on,,,,(W)e find out by reading Epicurus and Lucretius that materialism was designed to destroy all religion."

Benjamin Wiker, Center for science and Culture quoted by Clark, Foster and York in “The critique of intelligent design:  Epicurus, Marx, Darwin, Freud and the materialist defense of science.” , 2007.


  1. “The great moral questions …are not about sex, drugs and unmarried hers, but about human rights, war and genocide, the arms trade, third world poverty, slavery under different guises, inter-religious conflict and inequality and injustice everywhere. These areas of concern involve truly staggering horrors and human suffering. In comparison to them …anxieties about sex, drugs, and gay marriage……….pale into triviality. It is itself a moral scandal that these questions preoccupy debate in comfortable corner of the world, while real atrocity and oppression exist elsewhere.

    which The above words are edited from a passage by A. C. Grayling in “The Choice of Hercules: pleasure, duty and the good life in the 21st Century”

    These narrow-minded, small-town “philosophers” and credulous bigots should start looking at the big picture. That big picture is at least in part caused by their panting support of governments such as we have now, a government in the pockets of big corporations that casts a blind eye to the plundering of the environment, to the exploitation of poor people and which supports insupportable regimes. Shame on them! The immorality!

  2. Amen. Epicurus would be delighted to know that a fellow philosopher in the 21st century can still stand on principle and tell the small minded and intolerant the truth.

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