Snares and delusions

These postings are done on an Apple I-Pod. For nearly three years I used I-Pod Notes to write down ideas and expand them into posts. I then transferred them onto the blog as I needed them. There were some fifty pages or more.

Recently, Apple had a new iOS software update. I downloaded it and then discovered to my dismay that I had lost nearly all the work I had done in Notes. Three years worth of work! When I went to the Apple Shop I was told I should have backed up the old verson of iOS before downloading the new, and should have been saving everyting on the cloud Like, I suspect, most people it never occurred to me that the new software would actually destroy my work. Apple cannot explain why, and wants me to get rid of everything on the I-Pod and start all over again.

I mention this because experiences like this somewhat damage one’s trust in these big companies. It isn’t the end of the world. I have plenty of ideas, and might have better ones in the future. Who knows? But I no longer trust Apple.