
We should expect some form of wisdom, even common sense, to emerge from our rulers, whether they be the uber-capitalists or the errand boys in politics who do their bidding.   To allow Wall Street and City characters, whose only talent is to make profit out of obscure financial instruments, to lord it over us, to pour money into elections and to divert money from the poor into their own pockets, demonstrates chronic sociopathy, not wisdom.  This will come back to haunt the selfish and the greedy, although there is doubt whether they care as long as they get their short-term way.

The creation of a modern plutocracy unaccountable to anyone, indifferent to nation states or fellow citizens, is bad for the whole world, not just Western nations.  Some intelligent billionaires see this point and recognize that more equality equals more stability, not to mention happiness. Not many, though.

Epicureanism stands for moderation in all things.   So far so good.  But personally I  find the requirement of Epicurus to ignore politics very difficult when I see the population of formerly democratic nations sleep-walking into a new form of the government, call it corporatocracy or uncaring plutocracy.

How do other people cope with this?



One Comment

  1. From Carmen:

    An eloquent description of the truths defining current Western society. The personal dilemma you mention requires daily effort for me. I think that a TOTAL avoidance of politics, were it even possible, is immoderate. Epicurus himself had to acquiesce to political realities. I avoid politics in moderation—on some occasions I dive in and on others I moderately abstain.

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