Sexual passion and Epicurus

I understand that your are very inclined toward sexual passion, which is acceptable as long as you violate no laws, do not offend your fellow citizens, harm or injure yourself or your neighbors, or waste your possessions. The probability is that you will be checked by one or all of these provisos, for a man gets gets no good from sexual passion, and you are lucky if if you are not harmed by it. ( Edited version of Vatican Saying 51).

I believe that passion without love, affection and engagement, when it hurts another person’s feelings, confidence and self image, is shameful and maybe cruel. And the knowledge that you have been selfish and have taken advantage if another human being diminishes you.
This distinguishes Epicureanism from libertarianism.

One Comment

  1. All these outlooks–from the Epicurean Garden to the Sistine Chapel–were fashioned before we began to get a clue or two about these little things called “hormones.” Of course understanding the complexity of the body human, doesn’t lessen the worth of sensible rules or sanction dehumanizing behavior of any kind.

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