Selling Sardinia

There is quite a serious movement in Sardinia to get the Italian government to sell the island to Switzerland. Why? because the Sardinians think that rule from Rome is a disaster, and that the infamous Italian bureaucracy is stifling life and keeping the island in the 19th Century. A poll in Switzerland shows that 93% of Swiss people would welcome a warm, under- developed island with great beaches and better food (especially better food – how can the Swiss bear it?)

Epicureans should welcome this idea in the interests of happiness and pleasure. While they are about it, if the Swiss can afford it (and they have all those ill-gotten, un-taxed gains to play with), why doesn’t the British government offer Scotland to the Swiss and save a lot of aggravation? In fact, you could extend this ad infinitum – Texas and other southern states of the United States are excellent candidates for sale, along with the Basques, the Welsh, and the Northern Irish.


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